Become a Great Manager
What it means to be a great manager
The staff is happy, there's money in the bank, clients come easily and customers are for life. You must be a great manager, right?
Not necessarily. Lack of chaos brings a pleasant simplicity. But there are different types of simplicity. You can do things quickly, spend little and reap immediate rewards. Simplicity that comes from that is transient and masks -and creates- a wobbly core and iffy future. All those benchmark outcomes, in reality, sit on quicksand.
To see how every manager can end up there, watch The Journey.
There is a different type of simplicity, though. Simplicity Earned™ is the result of knowing all the pieces of your business - technology, finance, people, marketing, operations -work, not only alone, but as causes and effects. A great manager knows all this and how to bake it into plans and actions
To see where you stand with your understanding, take the Management Acumen Test.
A Concinnity Consultant teaches you how to...
Close the gaps in your understanding Get the Big Picture
Make sure the simplicity in your business is earned
Be confident in what you've created
Be a great manager
The most important thing a manager must know is how to get the Big Picture. Concinnity Services has a plan for that.
For managers who want to learn how to get the Big Picture on their own, they can take the Big Picture Plan online course.

Always choose the
perfect strategy
Success can lull managers into a false belief that what worked in the past will work in the future. As a Concinnity trained manager, you will know how to look for variables that truly drive success, understand how they work and how they affect each other. The closest thing to perfection happens when this knowledge is brought to each decision – whether it is to expand, develop new products, take on partners or even maintain the status quo.
Uncover hidden
Plugging along as a manager can come from having a great work ethic. Yet, accepting that you don’t always get traction or that weariness comes with the territory or that feeling that you may have dropped the ball are not normal. They are signals that opportunities to be better await. We teach you how to get perspective as a way of life. You will know how to objectively evaluate your firm and regularly uncover new paths to success.
See issues before
they become
Our research shows that across businesses, industries and throughout history, problems that were truly unpredictable were actually outliers. Most problems are knowable…IF you know how to look. We show you how to sleuth your own business so that you know everything that is likely to become a problem. Without the surprises that typically hit managers untrained in the Big Picture, you are the one in control.
Precisely calculate
the benefit of all
strategy choices
As a Concinnity trained manager, you will learn how to listen to your business. It will tell you what it needs and from what it can benefit. We teach you how to determine the value of each choice, the probability of each outcome and how to compare them all so that the best strategies rise to the top. With your direction more grounded in science than instinct, you will count more successes than ever before.